
Fix the sonarqube helm chart hook that updates admin password

April 26, 2021

Sonarqube helm chart

The official Sonarqube helm chart started as a community maintained effort as part of the Oteemo helm charts. It was later adopted as the official helm chart of Sonarqube and forked to a SonarSource repo.

This helm chart is the official way of installing Sonarqube in Kubernetes, even though it still has some limitations as per the official Sonarqube docs.


The chart allows you to change the default admin password when installing Sonarqube. This is implemented as a post-install helm hook that sends a POST request to the Sonarqube admin API using a container with curl installed.

The problem was that the current/new admin password were sent as part of the query string, but were not URL-encoded. This meant trying to change the admin password to a new password with special characters would fail.

I opened a bug and submitted a PR to fix the issue and URL-encode them it: https://github.com/Oteemo/charts/pull/278


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