

June 5, 2019

A plugin for the awesome Vue CLI that simplifies the setup needed to use Jest and Puppeteer to write and run E2E tests.

Read more in the KaizenDorks website.

kaizendorks/vue-cli-plugin-jest-puppeteer - GitHub

Refactored mockgo to its v2 version using promises

December 5, 2018


mockgo is a Node.js library which simplifies the task to create integration tests using a real MongoDB server.

When integrating mockgo with your tests, it will take care of downloading the right mongo binaries, initialize a real in-memory mongo database and clean it at the end of the test.


I was using mockgo in various Node.js projects for writing integration tests that used a real mongo database but still run fast and in memory.

However some of its dependencies were outdated, which was limiting the MongoDB versions that could be used in our tests.

I submitted a PR that ended up refactoring mockgo not just to update its dependencies, but also to use promises and ended up released as the v2 of the library.


January 27, 2018

An ASP.NET Core website that implements a simple blogger-like website.

I wrote a series of articles in the DotNetCurry magazine explaining the presentation layer and how to implement unit, integration and E2E testing:

danijg/BlogPlayground - GitHub

Unit Testing Typescript

November 17, 2015

I gave a talk all the way back in 2015 about unit testing and TypeScript as part of the Dublin TypeScript meetup.

Technology came a long way since then, but you still have the slides available in slideshare!


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