

January 23, 2020

Example application that shows how to integrate a Blazor server-side application with ML.NET

  • Users can upload images using the Blazor application, which are classified into one of 1000 labels using the ML.NET model.
  • The ML.NET model simply loads a pre-trained TensorFlow Google's inception model.

I wrote an article in the DotNetCurry magazine explaining the integration between Blazor and ML.NET.

DaniJG/blazor-ml - GitHub


January 27, 2018

An ASP.NET Core website that implements a simple blogger-like website.

I wrote a series of articles in the DotNetCurry magazine explaining the presentation layer and how to implement unit, integration and E2E testing:

danijg/BlogPlayground - GitHub

Sample integration between react-native and a gRPC service

January 25, 2018

A sample react-native app that communicates using gRPC with a sample server, also contained in this repo. Both the client app and the server share the protocol buffer definition, which is used to generate both server and client side code.

The client side react-native application can talk to the gRPC server through a native module that bridges react-native and the objective-c/Java client generated by gRPC tooling.

danijg/react-native-grpc - GitHub


February 15, 2017

DockNetFiddle is a simple site where users can enter minimum but complete .Net Core applications (providing the contents for the files program.cs and project.json ) which will be then executed inside a docker container. The results of the program execution will be send back and displayed to the users. In the end is a very simple version of the real [].NetFiddle site](https://dotnetfiddle.net/).

The code was discussed during an article published in DotNetCurry.

danijg/DockNetFiddle - GitHub


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