
Update chef docker cookbook so multiple mirrors can be configured for the docker service

December 2, 2020

Chef docker cookbook

The official docker chef cookbook allows engineers to manage docker services and docker resources using Chef.

For example, you can install specific docker versions, configure the docker service or manage resources such as containers, networks and volumes.


The registry_mirror option of the docker_service resource allows you to configure the docker daemon with a registry mirror. It essentially adds the --registry-mirror option to the docker daemon arguments.

While it is possible to configure multiple mirrors by providing the --registry-mirror argument multiple times, this chef resource only allowed a single mirror to be configured.

I submitted a PR that updated the option so users can provide either a string or an array for the registry_mirror option.


February 15, 2017

DockNetFiddle is a simple site where users can enter minimum but complete .Net Core applications (providing the contents for the files program.cs and project.json ) which will be then executed inside a docker container. The results of the program execution will be send back and displayed to the users. In the end is a very simple version of the real [].NetFiddle site](https://dotnetfiddle.net/).

The code was discussed during an article published in DotNetCurry.

danijg/DockNetFiddle - GitHub


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