

January 23, 2020

Example application that shows how to integrate a Blazor server-side application with ML.NET

  • Users can upload images using the Blazor application, which are classified into one of 1000 labels using the ML.NET model.
  • The ML.NET model simply loads a pre-trained TensorFlow Google's inception model.

I wrote an article in the DotNetCurry magazine explaining the integration between Blazor and ML.NET.

DaniJG/blazor-ml - GitHub


January 27, 2018

An ASP.NET Core website that implements a simple blogger-like website.

I wrote a series of articles in the DotNetCurry magazine explaining the presentation layer and how to implement unit, integration and E2E testing:

danijg/BlogPlayground - GitHub


February 15, 2017

DockNetFiddle is a simple site where users can enter minimum but complete .Net Core applications (providing the contents for the files program.cs and project.json ) which will be then executed inside a docker container. The results of the program execution will be send back and displayed to the users. In the end is a very simple version of the real [].NetFiddle site](https://dotnetfiddle.net/).

The code was discussed during an article published in DotNetCurry.

danijg/DockNetFiddle - GitHub


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